User Configurations
The User tab allows an administrative user to add and modify user profiles and permissions. Existing users can be searched by account name (email), name, and status. To create a new user:
Start by opening to Admin Module → User
Select New
Fill out user info
Logon Name: login name for CareConnect (Note: Account Name should be the same as Email)
First Name, Last Name, Gender, Title, Language
Administrator (All Sites): tag to identify if users have access to all site locations
Preferred Contact Method: TBA
Email, Cell, Phone
Address, Zip, City, State
Allowed Sites: to determine what site(s) user has access to
Password/Confirm Password: set default password for users (password requirements: at least eight characters including lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and symbols)
Select Save when complete
A unique Pin will be generated for the User to operate mSign and an additional tab will be made available to configure.
Selecting the Roles tab will allow administrative users to configure user permissions. Select Edit to make changes.
Billing Admin: grants user full access to edit a paid invoice
Billing User: grants access to Billing tab without the ability to edit a paid invoice
Attendance Admin: grants user full access to Attendance tab including the CDNFS reports
Attendance User: only grants access to the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly within the Attendance tab
Students Admin: grants full access to Students tab
Students User: grants access to Students tab without the ability to delete family, parent, child
Students View Only: only grants access to view Students tab
Admin User: grants user admission to the Admin tab
Message user: grants access to the Message tab
mSign user: grants access to mSign (note: must also have permission to access Attendance)
Select Save at the bottom of the page when complete.