Site and Classroom Configurations

The Sites tab allows an administrative user to add and modify site and classroom profiles. Existing sites can be searched by name and status. To create a new site:

  1. Start by opening to Admin Module → Sites

  2. Select New

  3. Fill out fields

    1. Name: Name of the site

    2. License Type

    3. Phone, Address, Zip code, City, State

    4. FIPS

    5. Tax ID

    6. QRIS

    7. Accreditation Status

    8. Default Account: determines billing account associated with the site

    9. Time Zone

  4. Select Save when completed

Once a site is set up, select the site to open the site’s profile to update or add more details.

There are 5 sub tabs in each site’s detail: Profile, Classrooms, Users, Data Integration, and License

1      Profile

Allows administrative users to modify site details including the ability to set status to active/inactive. Select Edit to make changes.

Select Save when complete

2      Classrooms

Allows administrative users to add and modify classrooms within the site.

To add a new classroom:

  1. Select New

  2. Fill out form:

    1. Name: name of classroom.

    2. Mental Health Consultation Services: toggle to allow MHCS.

    3. License List: will default to care type of site but can be changed per classroom.

    4. Capacity: set child capacity.

    5. Schedule Template: select default schedule template when enrolled in this classroom.

    6. Staff Capacity.

    7. Description.

  3. Select Save when complete.

  4. To modify a classroom, select the name then Edit. Save when completed. To delete a classroom, select Delete.

3      Users

Allows administrative users to link existing users to a site. Select Link to add users. To remove a user, select the trashcan.

Select user(s) to link then select Save.

4      Data Integration

Applicable to agencies that are linked to other agencies using CC3.

5      License

Allows administrative users to add license(s).

Select + to add additional age group

To modify a license, select the name and Edit then select Save when complete. To delete a license, select Delete.