Billing Configurations
1 Rate Templates
Administrative users can set up the Rate template to match their site’s current rate sheet(s). Once set up, all staffs will have access to the different rates for adding new Invoice(s). To add new Rate Template:
Start from the Admin Module → Select Billing → Rate Template
Select New
Fill in the fields:
Name: name of the rate
Type: specify the type of the rate
Program: what program this rate applies to
Amount: rate amount
Comment: any comments for this rate
Select Save once done
To edit an existing rate including inactivating a rate, select the name of the rate, then select Edit
2 Plan Templates
Administrative user can set up Plan templates to match their current fiscal year’s open period. Once set up, all staffs will have access to the plan templates for adding new children billing plans. New Plan Template should be added for every new fiscal year. Steps to add a new template:
Start from the Admin Module → Select Billing → Plan Template
Select New
Fill in the fields:
Name: Name of the Plan Template
Frequency: Billing Frequency
Repeat: The number of planned invoices to be generated
Post Date: Date when first invoice will be posted (following invoices will post on the same day of the month for their respectful month)
Billing Start Date: Date when billing will begin
Due Date: Date when invoices become due
Comment: Any comments for this plan
Select Save → The items will be generated per the repeat number set
Edit the plan to adjust the quantity. Quantity is the amount of times the rate you selected will be used in the period. For example: The rate to be used along with this plan is a Weekly Rate. The billing period 07/01/2019 – 07/31/2019 has 4.2 weeks, which you may edit directly into the billing period. You may do this for every month in this plan. Then select the save icon to save the changes to the quantity before clicking the green Save button to finalize the plan.
3 Billing Account
Allows administrative users to manage billing account details. To add a new account:
Start by opening to Admin Module → Billing Config → Billing Account
Select New
Fill out form
Select Save when complete
With Online Payment enabled, you can select a Stripe account to apply to the billing account under the Payment section
To modify an existing account, select the Account Name
4 Billing Program
Allows administrative users to manage billing programs. To add a new billing program:
Start by opening to Admin Module → Billing Config → Billing Program
Select New
Fill out form
Select Save when complete
To modify an existing billing program, select the name
5 Third Account
Allows administrative users to manage third party accounts. To add a new third account:
Start by opening to Admin Module → Billing Config → Third Account
Select New
Fill out form
Select Save when complete
To modify an existing third account, select the Account Name
6 Configuration
Job allows administrative users to configure invoice properties. To modify invoice properties:
Start by opening to Admin Module → Billing → Configuration
Enable Online Payment: to enable online payment in CareConnect (note: users will have to configure additional settings under Payments)
Posted Invoice: will automatically send out emails to parents when invoices are posted in their account
Due Invoice: will automatically send out emails to parents when invoices are due
Invoice Past Due 10: will send out emails to parents when invoices are past due 10 calendar days
Invoice Past Due 20: will send out emails to parents when invoices are past due 20 calendar days
Invoice Past Due 30: will send out emails to parents when invoices are past due 30 calendar days
Activate or deactivate desired configurations.
Select Save when complete
7 Payment
Available for agencies that have online payment enabled.
Online Payment: toggle ON/OFF to allow agencies to invite families to FamilyPortal to set up a payment account
Auto Deduction: toggle ON/OFF to allow agencies to collect credit card information for payment auto deduction
Ahead Day: set up days prior to due date for auto deduction to run
Transaction Fee Paid By Parents Via Card/Bank Account: Configuration managed by MCT to allow agencies to pass on transaction fees to parents or absorb transaction fees for parents. To make changes, please contact MCT.